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Clueless Gamer: Conan O’Brien IS The ‘Flaming C’

The latest edition of Conan O’Brien’s “Clueless Gamer” segment has the semi-intrepid Conan playing Injustice: Gods Among Us. As usual, Aaron Bleyaert helps him out, but Conan isn’t impressed by the need to read a comic before playing, he takes some shots at Aquaman and Green Arrow, Conan’s Batman auditions for Cirque du Soleil, a new method of becoming Pope is revealed, and things take a strange turn when Conan becomes the Flaming C. Can we get a Flaming C DLC for reals?

HT: Team Coco

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Hundreds of Real Doctors Have Famous Fictional Doctor Names

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  1. scott says:

    DOES NO ONE CARE ABOUT AARON!! lol I mean , yes conan`s ginger but that doesnt mean he`s “Ginger” . or maybe, Aaron likes it……like a white hair tufted cat being pet maybe just a little too much so he can feel it as the skin around its eyes pulls back just enough to concern fellow on lookers, yet it stays put because he`s being pet and knows where the most effective spots to piss in the house are. Oh yeah and video game looks fun to play…………. 😛 Love Conan,Aarons co-hosted Conan Podcast and overall anything involving picking apart seamen….i mean aquaman….i mean….exAactley what i said

  2. Ben Z says:

    Is that skin available? I would buy this game and that skin just because of The Flaming C.

  3. Andres says:

    Unfortunately it’s not a full DLC, it’s just a “skin” they put over the Superman character. You may have noticed Flaming C flying out of The Fortress of Solitude and using heat vision!

  4. Kristoffer says:

    i would totally pay to have the Flaming C as DLC!