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Classic Comic-Styled TMNT Get Mega Bloks at SDCC

Mega Bloks are typically thought of as copying Lego, but this year, they seem to have learned from another, more upstart competitor: McFarlane Construction Sets. While the major appeal of their new licensed property toys from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Star Trek has been the more detailed and articulated minifigs, these two new playsets and associated figures feel like they’re springboarding off the Todd McFarlane philosophy of making the base structure in blocks, then laying down detail pieces over top of that so the end product looks more like a model kit. McFarlane used that thinking to replicate TV scenes from Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead; Mattel is using it to duplicate the early TMNT Mirage comics in black and white, with small splashes of color for dramatic effect.

Debuting at Comic-Con at the Entertainment Earth booth (and online at starting July 22nd), these Toys R Us exclusives will be available at retail later in the year. “Street Showdown Combat” pits a shadowy Raphael against Casey Jones at “Kirby O’ Neil’s Second Time Around” antique store, while “Rooftop Combat” recreates Leonardo’s first comic battle against Shredder. If you just want minifigs, special B/W versions of each Turtle will also be available, sporting metal shells, manhole-cover display stands, and the ability to be”connected to a comic-themed pipes backdrop with original illustrated panels for an authentic recreation.”

Sometimes, for toys to display a great personality, they just need to be less colorful. NECA made some amazing black and white Turtle figures for Comic-Con some years back, upping their game; for Mega Bloks, this is a bold step forward, and the kind of thing I’d like to see more of to distinguish them from the competition.

Just maybe keep the pizza pieces in color. I don’t need black cheese.

Are you stoked at the Turtle throwback power? Sewer surf down to comments and tell me.

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