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CINDERELLA Made the King in the North Shave His Beard in Film’s New Trailer

Man that Cinderella sure has good taste, doesn’t she? Instead of falling for any number of those run of the mill Prince Charming types, the Lily James iteration (as directed by none other than Billy Shakespeare’s best modern day friend, Sir Kenneth Branagh) has an eye for someone a bit more wise to the world — someone who’d, say, keep her warm once winter has come. And that someone is a de-bearded Richard Madden, also known as Game of Thrones‘ Robb Stark.

And ‘stark’ is certainly the name of the game here because, hoo boy, does the actor sure look different without his gruff bearded-ness from all those days and nights spent a-shivering away in Winterfell. Gone is all that scruffy facial business and in its place? A billion brocades and colors for days. But hey, at least Xaro Xhoan Doxos (Nonzo Anozie) came along for the ride?

Also involved in this live action retelling of one of Disney’s classic fairy tales? Helena Bonham Carter, Cate Blanchett, Hayley Atwell (yes, Agent Carter!), and Stellan Skarsgard. Nothing if not a well equipped group of character-driven actorpeople, so, you know, there’s a chance that this could be a fun outing for you and your 10-year-old tween girl cousins that day your aunt and mom are hanging out and they just need some alone time so you valiantly volunteer as tribute in the “occupying their time” games. Alternatively, if you’re looking for a different take on the Red Wedding, this will undoubtedly provide that (which is to say — spoiler alert — a wedding wherein Richard Madden doesn’t die).

Cinderella hits theaters March 13, 2015. Are you also upset to see Madden’s clean-shaven face? Leave your agreements in the comments.

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