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Chuck Lorre & Mayim Bialik, The Ariel Helwani Affair, And More: The Week In Podcasts

So much happened this week on the Nerdist Podcast Network. Like:

Chuck Lorre and Mayim Bialik visited the Nerdist Podcast, and, yes, there was a lot of talk about The Big Bang Theory, but also about Chuck and Mayim’s career journeys, which are worth hearing, science, religion, and… well, Chuck wrote the theme to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, so that made for some interesting talk.

In a case of unusually appropriate timing, The Jonah Keri Podcast had Ariel Helwani on to talk about MMA and UFC just as the story of his banishment from UFC for breaking the Brock Lesnar story swept across the sports world, and on Friday’s edition, Deadspin’s Tim Marchman talked about Helwani’s ban and reinstatement, plus the Gawker controversies (including Peter Thiel’s involvement in the lawsuits against the company) and more about journalism in 2016.

So many guests: The King of Miami (really, Cleveland and New York, but that wasn’t the show) Dave Hill as the latest Boy of Summer on The JV Club; Queen of Hollywood Billboards Angelyne on Love, Alexi; The Bitter Buddha, Eddie Pepitone, on The Todd Glass Show; Andy Richter, Andres du Bouchet, Todd Levin, and Sean O’Connor competing on Competitive Erotic Fan Fiction; Kathryn Tappen of NBC Sports and the NHL Network on Puck Soup, featuring a Gordie Howe tribute; Henry Zebrowski (Your Pretty Face Is Going To Hell) on You Made It Weird; Director Jon M. Chu (Now You See It 2) on Today We Learned; Joe Pokaski (Underground), Mike O’Malley (like, every TV show ever), Stephnie Weir (MadTV), and Hugh Sterbakov (Robot Chicken) on The Writers Panel; Comics writer Frank Tieri returning to eulogize the late, great Darwyn Cooke on Comic Book Club; Legendary Digital Networks marketing guy and documentarian Brian Foster on Bizarre States; Orphan Black‘s Rosemary Dunsmore and tattoo artist En Tze on Clonecast (due sometime Friday); and Rob Benedict and a returning Paget Brewster with Bachelorette talk on Will You Accept This Rose?;

More!: Haters Kevin and Steve hated more stuff on another “10 Things We Hate” edition of Chewin’ It; Jackie disclosed her shoe size and heckling and late night sets were analyzed on The Jackie and Laurie Show; Bodhi’s mom dropped in on the Elfmans on Kicking and Screaming; A surprise in a Kinder Egg highlighted Half Hour Happy Hour, and let me suggest that you do a Google News search for “Kinder Egg” and see what people are doing with those things; Tom soloed with random thoughts on Pro You after doing another live experimental show; and, finally, it won’t go away, and we’re grateful for that as we got another Thrilling Adventure Hour special edition, with the return of Colonel Tick-Tock.

All o’ that and more will be found on the Nerdist Podcast Network homepage and Facebook page, so go there, and while you’re at it, subscribe to your favorite shows. We have plenty more great stuff coming up….

Contributor: Kyle Clark
Picture Credit: From CBS video from Comic-Con 2015

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