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CHRONO TRIGGER Finally Hits PC…Surprise!

Last year, fans of the 16-bit rpg Chrono Trigger were disappointed when it wasn’t included in the line up for the SNES Classic. But now, a new generation of fans will get a chance to try one of the all-time great games. Square Enix has released Chrono Trigger on Steam, and it’s available to play right now!

It should be noted that this is not a direct port of the title which first appeared on the Super Nintendo in 1995. Instead, it’s a port of the mobile edition of Chrono Trigger, with a few additional features including the two dungeons that were added for the game’s Nintendo DS release. The game places players in control of a group of adventurers who travel back and forth through time to save the world from a catastrophe. The game was originally developed by the creators of Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest, Hironobu Sakaguchi and Yuji Horii, alongside Akira Toriyama. Square Enix has called them “the Dream team,” and they certainly lived up to that billing!

For a limited time, Square Enix is also offering a limited edition of Chrono Trigger on Steam, that includes five tracks from the soundtrack with notes by composer Yasunori Mitsuda, as well as six wallpaper images. While the mobile and the Stream editions of Chrono Trigger aren’t as popular as the SNES version, we’re hopeful that the renewed interest in the game will lead to another sequel or even a modern remake. In any form, this is a game that deserves to find a new audience.

Are you excited to play Chrono Trigger on PC? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!

Image: Square Enix

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