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Christmas Tree Made from Disney Toys Looks Completely Huggable

The platform at the St Pancras railway station in London is decked out for the holidays. They opted to go cuddly for Christmas by working with The Disney Store to erect a 45 feet tall tree made from toys. The Disney Junior tree features hundreds of stuffed plushes featuring characters from several Disney and Pixar films. Stitch, Simba, Sully, and other characters with names that don’t begin with the letter “S” cover the tree, and it’s of course topped with Mickey Mouse. Is it weird that I want to curl up and take a nap inside it? Pretty sure I’ve never said that about a Christmas tree. Behold the cuteness:

It’s like a Disney animated film threw up on the station, and it’s just wonderful. And bonus: no one has to worry about keeping the tree watered or sweeping up pine needles as the tree dries out.

This footage from World Video shows the tree coming together:

As if it wasn’t enough to have a mountain of a tree covered in squishable Disney characters, it also snows. Snowflakes fall from the top of the tree every four minutes and dissolve in midair. Elsa’s probably in the tree somewhere making it happen.

After the holidays are over and it’s time to dismantle the tree, the plush toys won’t be homeless. They’ll be donated to the charity KIDs. The tree will be on display until January 4. Have you spotted this cuddly Christmas tree at St Pancras station? If so, share links to your photos of the trees in the comments.

HT: Mirror
Images: Clare Griffiths

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