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Christmas Eve With You (And the Nerdist TV Special, Too)

Okay, so, we’re done for the week. You can use the comments here for wishing each other a happy holiday and to comment on The Nerdist: Year in Review, Saturday night at 9/8c on BBC America. Whatever holiday you celebrate, have a great one. (Personally, I hit the Latke Wall yesterday, so I’m looking forward to a few days with a nice antacid)

Oh, and that Lindi Ortega song Chris talked about on the podcast? Here you go:

Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, and Happy Kwanzaa, everybody.

The Funniest, Silliest Courtroom Scenes from Film and Television

The Funniest, Silliest Courtroom Scenes from Film and Television

What is Wrong with MAD MAX’s War Boys?

What is Wrong with MAD MAX’s War Boys?

Happy Birthday, Game Boy!

Happy Birthday, Game Boy!



  1. Tim says:

    @Ashley If you are referring to the shirt Kumail is wearing in the episode it is a Threadless t-shirt and can be found on I believe it is titled “do a barrel roll”. It is a reference to the Starfox video games where the four pilots Fox, Peppy, Slippy, and Falco (a fox, rabbit, frog, and bird).

    Hope this helps!

  2. Nichelle says:

    ever so impatiently waiting for it to go up on itunes… times like these, i wish i didn’t turn off my comcast cable! lol it’s okay, I have the David Tennant podcast to keep me company until itunes hooks me up!

  3. Vic says:

    I made sure to DVR the show when it aired on Christmas Eve. And since then I’ve watched it about a half dozen times. I’ve even taken to playing it in the background when I’m online. I have to say that I was touched by the genuine happiness they caught on camera when Chris gave Will his gift (I’ll avoid a spoiler for those who haven’t seen it.) I thought Will might cry for a second but then I realized, Will Wheaton cries for no man.

  4. Ann says:

    Anyone know when it will be up on iTunes? I’ve been waiting faithfully, iTunes gift card in hand.

  5. Joe C says:

    The show was great. Better than the first one, and the first one wasn’t bad at all! Happy holidays, everyone!

  6. Joshua says:

    Great show…from what I’ve seen. I was only able to catch the last 30 minutes but I’m eagerly awaiting the episode to hit Amazon so I can purchase the whole episode. Hope to see many more!!

  7. The Vidiot says:

    I wish we could watch this in Canada

  8. gladly says:

    That was a marvelous treat! And you all clean up so nicely! I really do think that you three are the nerdists of the year. Congratulations on all your success, especially on your own terms. Happy holidays all!

  9. Ashley says:

    I’m a wanna be nerd. Anyone know where to get the tshirt w the pets wearing space helmets? Love it!

  10. Josh Arney says:

    The special has been awesome so far.

    Wanted to say Happy Holidays (Merry Christmas) before I put the laptop down and enjoy the rest of the show 😉

  11. Alison says:

    What a coincidence! I ate latkes AT the Western Wall yesterday!
    🙂 Thanks for the video and Merry Christmahanukwanzika!

  12. hali says:

    Merry Christmas! You all live long and prosper! 🙂

  13. Lee Benningfield says:

    I’d never heard of Lindi, so thanks to Chris for the recommendation. If you like her, I was also recommend Sarah Jarosz. She’s a little less country and a little more bluegrass.

    Happy non-denomination winter celebratory event, nerdists!

  14. Deanna says:

    Happy Holidays to one and all, may the new year bring happiness to everyone!


    My digital art sci-fi holiday pin-up greeting card here:

    🙂 Alicia