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CHILD OF LIGHT Is An Ode To Classic RPG Games

For the longest time, I’ve been craving an RPG with an old school turn-based combat system. If you’re anything like me, then you might want to keep your eyes on Ubisoft Montreal’s Child of Light, a classic-themed RPG title inspired by fairy tales. Not only does the game sport a vintage style of gameplay, but with visuals that are stunning enough to bring about a few eye-gasms.  Here’s a sneak peak at what to expect:

The gorgeousness you just witnessed in Child of Light is brought to you by UbiArt Framework, the game engine that’s responsible for the beautiful visuals seen in games like Rayman Origins and Rayman Legends. From the looks of CoL thus far, it appears Ubisoft Montreal is making it their mission to nail that 2D role playing game feel from the ’90s. I hope that by doing this, they’ll not only entice fans of vintage RPG titles, but the game will serve as a gateway to older RPGs for new gamers or those who weren’t fans of the genre before.

Child Of Light will shine its way onto the PS4, PS3, Xbox One, 360, Wii U, and PC on April 30, 2014. Remember to keep your eyes peeled for this one during the spring.

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  1. Kohapi says:

    Hell yes! With this, Bravely Default and Unsung Story coming, maybe we are seeing a new era of turn based rpg’s dawning. Man I hope so.