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Episode 13: Chewin' It with Kevin and…
Bill Paxton, Part 1

Chewin’ It #13: Bill Paxton, Part 1

This week Kevin and Steve chew it over some beers with the one and only Bill Paxton!  Weird Science, Aliens, Apollo 13, Titanic, Tombstone, Big Love, CLUB DREAD!  He’s done it all and they talk about it all. In fact, they talk about so much they had to split the visit into 2 episodes. Enjoy!

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  1. Nate says:

    Ugh. It’s almost like Paxton feels like he needs to top all the usual disgusting chewing noises with his series of belches. The humor does not outweigh the grossitude.

  2. Kristin says:

    Oh man, I would absolutely buy the 3-hr version of Dread!

  3. Eric says:

    Timothy Olyphant is awesome. Wait… that was Bill Paxton? I could’ve sworn…

    Bill Paxton is also awesome. 😀

  4. Nick says:

    Bill Paxton is the greatest. BURRPPP!!

  5. @Arabrabbra says:

    Loved this! Would have listened to the whole eppy. If I can sit through Pete Holmes epic 3 hour podcasts I certainly could have listened to this! SO funny

  6. Oilslick 2.0 says:

    What a baby. Shut up, dude.

  7. Anthony Httr Pickett says:

    Ok I know you guys are new to the podcasting thing but splitting episodes up in 2 parts is not ok. Missing a episode is not ok. Omg I want a 2 hour long episode -_-

  8. David says:

    Game over man, game over!
    Bill rules.