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Chewbacca and Harrison Ford Buried the Hatchet on JIMMY KIMMEL

We didn’t even know there was a problem, and yet, we almost lost a beloved Star Wars character because a woman came between him and his best friend. Fortunately, Jimmy Kimmel was there to make sure Han Solo and Chewbacca made up.

Kimmel said he didn’t know the exact cause of the feud, but that the “animosity” involved “an affair of some kind.” Then he was alerted by police sirens to a situation outside, where he found Chewbacca threatening to jump from the top of Kimmel’s studio.

The talk show host tried to reason with Chewbacca, but couldn’t really talk to him since he doesn’t understand wookiee. It was then that Harrison Ford showed up, happy about the situation unfolding on the Hollywood street.

“Shut your wookiee grunt hole, will ya!” shouted an angry Ford, “You made a choice! She was my wife!” He then begged Chewbacca to jump, in a moment that will crush your inner child.

Kimmel played the peacemaker, telling Ford that all of those things happened “a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away.”

I don’t want to give away everything, because this is really, really funny, but when remembering the good times, what other song would jump into your head right now?

Yes, Adele really does make everything better.

(Oh, and a reminder: when playing Connect Four with a Wookiee, let the Wookiee win.)

A rooftop hug later and our favorite friends in the galaxy had buried the hatchet. Just in time for The Force Awakens too. That could have been an awkward premiere.

What other science fiction couple should reconcile next? Tell us in the comments below who you’d like to see hug it out next.

Image: ABC

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