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Celebrate the Return of BEE & PUPPYCAT with These Cute Little Burger Cookies

Have you discovered the glory that is Bee & PuppyCat yet? Natasha Allegri’s fun and fanciful creation for Cartoon Hangover follows Bee and her pal PuppyCat as they take on magical space adventures, and fans are still rejoicing over the two new episodes released last week.

This first episode, titled “Food,” finds Bee & PuppyCat at the grocery store gathering ingredients for a dinner with Deckard. Things go awry (mostly due to PuppyCat) and as much as Deckard proclaims, “It’s ok, we can work with this!” They really can’t, and dinner is ruined… or so it seems.

Luckily, Deckard’s sister Cass swoops in with a bag of burgers in the nick of time! Sweet little buns topped with hearts, these virtual snacks translated easily into tiny cookies with the help of Nilla Wafer buns, Peppermint Patty burgers, green-tinted coconut lettuce with orange icing standing in for cheese. These adorable cookies make a great snack whether you’re waiting for an intergalactic temp job or watching episode two of Bee & PuppyCat.

Bee and Puppycat Burger CookiesBee & PuppyCat Burger Cookies
– serves 12

– 1/2 cup shredded coconut
– green food gel dye
– 24 Nilla Wafers
– 12 Peppermint Patties
– orange icing
– heart sprinkles

Place the coconut and a drop of green food gel dye in a plastic bag. Shake until the coconut is tinted green.

Place 12 Nilla Wafers rounded side down and add ½ teaspoon of tinted coconut on the bottom.

On top of the coconut place on unwrapped Peppermint Patty.

With a #7 tip pipe the orange icing  over the corners of the Peppermint Patty.

Finish it off by placing a second Nilla Wafter on top for the bun, adding a small dot of icing to hold a heart sprinkle in place on top of the cookie.

Are you tuning in to Bee & PuppyCat? What other cartoon snacks would you like to see turned into real life treats? Let us know in the comments below!

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  1. Em New says:

    Woah. It never occured to me that nilla wafers and mini peppermint patties were the perfect size for each other. Nice!

  2. Orionsangel says:

    Once you said coconut you lost me. I loathe coconut. It smells like suntan lotion.