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Cards Against Humanity’s Science Pack Offering Scholarships for Women in STEM

The Cards Against Humanity “Science Pack” that we got to take a peek inside a few months ago is finally available to buy! And better yet, all proceeds are going towards a full-ride scholarship for women seeking degrees in science, technology, engineering, and math, or STEM.

Authored by Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal’s Zach Weinersmith and Bad Astronomy’s Phil Plait, the new pack went on sale this morning for $10 each. At the time of this writing, the scholarship — now accepting applications for the fall 2016 school year — has already raised over $180,000, and is rapidly increasing every minute.

“Women are underrepresented in science, tech, engineering, and math,” said Cards Against Humanity co-creator Josh Dillon in a press release, “and we felt like the funding from this pack could have the greatest impact by making it possible for more women to get an education in those fields, and by giving them a platform to share their work and their passion for science.”

The scholarship(s) will be judged by a board of over forty women who hold degrees and work professionally in science. Recipients of the Cards Against Humanity Science Ambassador Scholarship will receive full tuition for up to four years.

“I want more women in STEM fields. Why? Because I am selfish,” says co-author Zach Weinersmith. “I want all of my technology to be faster, smaller, and stronger, and I want other people to go through the effort to make that happen. As long as women are underrepresented in science and technology, my next iProduct will be slightly lower quality. By funding a female student to become a scientist and a science ambassador, I hope to get just a little bit of my incredibly lazy wish.”

Students can sign up to be notified when the scholarships are open here.

If you want to get a peak at what the science pack will be offering, you can sample some of the pictures below:




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