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Car Tunes and Cartoons: Secret Someones Made a Killer Playlist and Drew Themselves as Food

Finally. I’ve been waiting for the day that one of the bands featured on Car Tunes and Cartoons would take my ludicrous suggestion and illustrate themselves as food items. Perhaps I shouldn’t be surprised that the group that ultimately accepted this challenged was NYC-based foursome Secret Someones, who make wide-eyed pop for open spaces with enough room to romp around. They just released their eponymous debut album last week, and it’s full of poppy, mollifying gems. Apparently Ingrid Michaelson describe them as “Weezer, but with boobies.” Lol.

To get an idea of the kind of music the band is into, we asked them to compile a ten-track playlist of jams that they’ve had on repeat for the last few months, as well as some of their music. What they composed was a genre-spanning mix full of immaculate indie rock (Alvvays are the best), heavy-hitting hip-hop (Kendrick Lamar’s “King Kunta”), and Laurel Canyon-indebted country rock (Dawes’ “Don’t Send Me Away”).

Okay so the music is obviously great but let’s get to the punch (heh) and see those food pics, amirite??? So Donut. Much Burger. Very Chicken. Too Cake. Wow. Check out the band members self-portraits below.

Bess Rogers:


Zach Jones:


Hannah Winkler:


Lelia Broussard:


I hope you enjoyed this particularly insane and diverse edition of Car Tunes and Cartoons; I know I sure did. That chicken is doing the flirty side-eye smirk emoji thoooo. We’ll see you dudes next time, and be sure to listen to Secret Someones’ debut album here.

Matt Grosinger is the music editor of Nerdist Industries and loves putting glasses on inanimate objects, most especially food. That is a lie.

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