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Car Tunes and Cartoons: Perfect Pussy’s Meredith Graves Shares Playlist and Drawing!

Something that perhaps isn’t immediately perceptible beneath the cacophonous surge and distorted yelling is that Perfect Pussy is, very fundamentally, an emotionally intelligent and unreserved band. The thrashing battery of punk the group makes doesn’t at all belie that either–each track from their debut EP and LP provides the unbridled, pre-scab rawness that enshrouds uncertainty and vulnerability, like an action that will become catharsis but is only at the point of instinct or reflex when you are hearing it. They are letting you in at all times, never creating a diversion, and of course it is chaotic.

That’s why I was so eager to hear lead singer Meredith Graves‘ love-inflected playlist that she was kind enough to make for us for the latest installment of Car Tunes and Cartoons, for which we ask our favorite artists and labels to curate 30-minute mixes and draw an accompanying picture. The playlist (see the bottom of this post) she made for us includes an eclectic collection of pensive tracks (“Chamber Of Reflection” by Mac DeMarco) densely instrumental squalls (“Shadow Of A Doubt” by Sonic Youth) and dreamy classics (“Cigarettes And Coffee” by Otis Redding). As she eloquently describes below about her playlist, she channeled that feeling when you are overcome by a feeling and you no longer have room for volition. I am excited for you guys to listen. Oh! and check out her rad pictures she drew for us. They are a collection of things that make her happy and warm:


Meredith Graves On Her Mix:

“Here’s my mix. It’s a soundtrack to the moment when you wonder if you’ve made the right decision in allowing yourself to get close to someone. There’s a deep weirdness that settles in after you realize you care; you might want someone more than they want you and there are potential consequences to your vulnerability. Falling for someone is an autonomic act; like Badiou writes about in ‘In Praise Of Love,’ real honest love is ‘an event’ that’s unpredictable and uncontrollable. Your emotions make the choice for you. So I guess this is music for laying on your back and staring at a fixed point the ceiling while you wonder how long you have left before you get let down.”

N.B. Spotify doesn’t currently have “Eau D’Bedroom Dancing” by Le Tigre in its catalogue, but it is supposed to go between King Krule and Mac Demarco, and you can listen to it below. Sorry for the interruption of flow!

Let us know if you are digging Meredith Graves’ mix as much as we are! Stay tuned for more Car Tunes and Cartoons right here on Nerdist. Send me your emotions on twitter at @MattGrosinger.

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  1. Lupe says:

    Love love love that she included out getting ribs by king krule. That track is just so raw and he’s the spot 

  2. Jason Bonham says:

    I love to see a person’s very eclectic mix of music and Meredith Graves is so freakin’ intelligent and strong-willed that it’ll be interesting to see her choices in music. I, also,  loooooooooooooove specific story like playlists. 

  3. Jake Luse says:

    I love Perfect Pussy and i’m glad to see that they are receiving more notoriety as of late

  4. Greg says:

    Meredith is awesome. I recently started to listening to her band perfect pussy and the have quickly become one of my favorites. Id love o see her pop up more on this site.