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What CAPTAIN MARVEL’s New Rumors Means For the MCU!

Warning: There are spoilers ahead for Avengers: Infinity War!

Now that Infinity War is in our rear view mirror, we can look ahead to one of the next big movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe: Captain Marvel. The Infinity War end credits scene hinted that Carol Danvers’ alter ego is going to have a major role in the rematch with Thanos in Avengers 4. But how did Carol become Captain Marvel in the MCU? We are going to get an origin story in her solo film, but it may not play out like every MCU movie we’ve ever seen. Today’s Nerdist News is breaking down the latest Captain Marvel news and rumors to see what they mean for the future of the MCU.

Join senior editor and guest host, Dan “the Accuser” Casey, as he brings the hammer down on some recent comments from Captain Marvel producer Nate Moore. While speaking to Cinema Blend, Moore acknowledged that many of the MCU films have followed the same formulaic origin stories so many times that even casual fans can predict what’s going to happen next. But according to Moore, Captain Marvel is going to break out of that trend.

Moore indicated that the Captain Marvel creative team would subvert the typical structure of superhero origin films while telling their story “in a way that will feel unexpected and hopefully keep audiences off balance.” We think that one of the ways Captain Marvel will pull this off is by setting up a dual origin story for Carol Danvers and Nick Fury. Samuel L. Jackson is reprising his role for the movie, which is set back in the ’90s. So we may see how meeting his first superhero turned Fury into the pile of dust that he is today.

But in all seriousness, this should be the movie where we see how Fury lost his eye and how he became involved with the “bigger universe” of superheroes. Fury has previously hinted that his eye injury came because he trusted someone he shouldn’t have, but the fact that Fury had an emergency pager for Captain Marvel suggests that they’ve at least formed an alliance beforehand. Perhaps we’ll see that in the movie as well.

Do you think Captain Marvel will successfully break away from the MCU origin format? Let’s discuss in the comment section below!

Images: Marvel

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