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A CAPTAIN MARVEL Toy May Reveal Keys to the Plot

No studio holds on to its secrets quite like Marvel, who has managed to keep the title for Avengers 4 under wraps less than six months before the film hits theaters. And yet for all of the effort that goes into avoiding spoilers, even Disney has somehow failed to account for the most consistent, most predictable, most frequent source of leaks: toys. Every time we get close to the release of a big movie, like the next MCU film Captain Marvel, someone forgets to double check if the packaging on a new figure will reveal something it wasn’t supposed to.

That’s how Funko accidentally told us who Jude Law will be playing in the movie. Rather than learn a lesson about the danger of new collectibles though, Marvel made the same mistake again this week, and two new items gave away some huge information about a seemingly adorable new character. On today’s spoiler-filled Nerdist News, host Jessica Chobot looks at the surprising thing some toys taught us about Goose the Cat, Carol Danver’s tiny feline friend who might be a lot more than meets Nick Fury’s eye.

Are you flerken kidding us? How does that happen every time? Marvel makes like 800 million minimum on every movie, can’t they afford someone to check toys for spoilers?

As for Goose there’s still plenty of intrigue surrounding that “cat.” We don’t know what his (its?) true intentions are, maybe it’s a friend to mankind, maybe it’s a threat to all of humanity. And maybe Goose is coming for Nick Fury’s eye.

We can’t wait to find out, but in the meantime we’ll keep our eyes out for any toys that want to reveal huge plot twists, because we figure there will be more.

But what do you think? What is Goose’s real reason for coming to Earth? Make our comments section purr with your best theories.

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