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Captain Beefheart, 1941-2010

Not sure how many Nerdist readers are into avant-garde blues and sometimes unclassifiable music, but those of you in that category will be mourning the passing of Don Van Vliet, Captain Beefheart, at 69. He’d been retired and focusing on painting since his last album, “Ice Cream For Crow” in 1982. One of a kind, for sure.

Here’s part 1 of a BBC documentary from 1997, narrated by John Peel:

ONCE UPON A TIME’s Season Finale Had an Alternate Ending

ONCE UPON A TIME’s Season Finale Had an Alternate Ending

Comic Book Day: Pull List for January 2nd, 2013

Comic Book Day: Pull List for January 2nd, 2013

Mutual Benefit Made Us a Playlist About His Houseplant

Mutual Benefit Made Us a Playlist About His Houseplant



  1. Adam says:

    Sad, sad sad. Love Captain Beefheart. One person whose memory and legacy will live on for the rest of time.

  2. Jeremy says:

    …. Sad Day…

  3. Lee says:

    What a loss.

    While guys like Beefheart and Zappa never enjoyed anything like the mainstream popularity popular acts today do, geniuses of their ilk have no doubt influenced many of them.

    Here’s to Beefheart and all the musicians who honor Don’s memory going forward.