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Cancel Your Weekend Plans: Stream GARGOYLES on YouTube (Legally)

Public service announcement: you can legally stream the entire first season of Gargoyles on YouTube right now. Actually, we’ve been able to do so for a while. Disney Shows uploaded the episodes well over a year ago, but no one really took notice at the time. And that is a crying shame.

Gargoyles aired from 1994-1996. Even though I was glued to the television in those days, the series wasn’t on my radar. I’m sure I’m not the only one who missed out, and I only recently remedied the oversight. Now, since we’re all aware it’s easy and free to watch, no one has an excuse.

Why should you spend your time watching a cartoon from the ’90s? Here are a few compelling reasons: Beautiful and moody art, complex characters, and interesting world-building. Bonus: you can play the “name the actor from Star Trek: The Next Generation” game, since a few cast members provide voices in Gargoyles.


Clear your schedule for five hours this weekend, get comfortable, and watch Goliath and his clan glide over the skies of New York City. You won’t regret it. Tell us about your favorite member of the Gargoyles clan in the comments.

HT: Oh My Disney



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  1. c says:

    I’m sad. I have been trying to watch them but now the video says it is private and I am unable to view it. Have they taken them down?

  2. Laura Lai says:

    Why in the seven Hells are the seasons only avaiable for Americans?????  I’m Italian (and proud of it) and even if I can understand English without problems I cannot see my childhood favourite cartoon just because I DO NOT LIVE IN AMERICA???? WEL FUCK YOU AND ALL YOUR BUSINESS SHIT!!!!

  3. michaelscott says:

    First of all, FUCK YES.

    Second, you can also catch a lot of Invasion America, if anyone remembers that series. I haven’t seen it since I was a kid, but I remember it being awesome.–XVQmNF0

  4. Jamie says:

    OMG! I remember watching this show in the 90’s as a kid! Only, back then I didn’t understand ANY of it!

  5. Deej says:

    I use Hide My Ass to change my IP address to one in the US to bypass those US only blocks

  6. Mallory says:

    Demona was a very complex, powerful character. I also found Macbeth and Puck were very interesting.

  7. Michael R says:

    Not just TNG, but Nichelle Nichols also supplies a voice.

  8. Mark says:

    US Only?!?
    Damn it Disney! Be cool!

  9. Paul says:

    Awesome! Another video I can’t watch, i.e., every link I see these days. Here’s something the internet needs to start doing: please stop reporting on content that’s limited to just one country. Thanks!

  10. Tesha says:

    Watching with my son….. The real reason geeks/nerds have kids. …it’s socially acceptable to watch cartoons in your 30’s.

    Fair warning missing a couple episodes.

  11. Larry says:

    Well, it’s not available to view in my country (UK).

    So it’s back to illegal methods to watch it for me! ^_-

  12. kelly says:

    Season 2 is up as well!

  13. ChadP says:

    @PrincessPatricia You can now buy the 2nd half of Season 2 direct from Disney at

  14. Nick Montgomery says:

    US only?!? Dear Disney, a special circle of HELL has been reserved for you. Love, One Pissed-Off, Canadian Gargoyles Fan

  15. Heather D. says:

    Demona has been my favorite since I was a kid.

  16. Princess Patricia says:

    I am still waiting for volume 2 of season 2 to be released. I was 16 when the show first aired. It was a time where I thought I was too old to be watching cartoons. Gargoyles was the absolute best thing to happen to me at that age. Gargoyles is the only reason I cannot boycott Disney. If I boycott Disney, I won’t get the rest of season 2 and The Goliath Chronicles (even though I didn’t enjoy it as much as seasons 1 and 2).

  17. Craig Moore says:

    i went to try and watch… Not available in my country (Australia).

    Goddam it.

  18. Murray says:

    This is US only sadly. when I searched tho I saw seasons two and three as well.

  19. Overlord says:

    That’s cool. Funny because I’ve thought before and then again today about what a great live action movie it would make.

  20. Johnny Ch says:

    Thank you very much! Long time no see! Cant wait!

  21. I was JUST telling my friends a few weeks ago that I wished this show was on NetFlix. I loved Gargoyles as a kid! Great show.

    – J.M. Gregoire