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Nerdist Special Reports

Camilla Luddington Chats RISE OF THE TOMB RAIDER & Her Comic-Con Adventures

I’ve heard from various voice actors, across different mediums, that they get so invested in the characters they play, that they often find themselves fighting off fusing with them and becoming a single entity. When it comes to video games, the investment can be even deeper when you factor in elements like motion capture.


One person in particular I’ve always wondered whether this prophecy has affected is the voice of Lara Croft, Camilla Luddington. At what point does playing the role of a tomb raider, make you a bonafide Tomb Raider?

Watch as Camilla Luddington channels her inner Lara Croft and dishes on her most Lara Croft-like adventure, what’s to come in Rise of the Tomb Raider, and who she believes Lara Croft’s favorite comic book character is. Luddington also weighs in on what kind of animal she believes Lara Croft would own as a pet and how she thinks Nathan Drake and Lara Croft would fare in a room together.

Rise of the Tomb Raider is set to release exclusively for the Xbox One and Xbox 360 on November 10. Are you excited to pick the game up on day one? What animal do you think Lara Croft would keep as a pet? Slide down into the comments with your thoughts below.

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Kylo Ren’s Signature Force Sound Was a Purring Kitty, Say Sound Designers

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