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Calista Flockhart Joins CBS’ SUPERGIRL Series as Cat Grant

CBS’ Greg Berlanti-produced Supergirl television series has just added its latest cast member. Former Ally McBeal and Brothers and Sisters star Calista Flockhart joins the cast as Catherine “Cat” Grant. On the show, the character will be reimagined as a self-made media magnate and founder of CatCo, where Kara Zor-El works as her assistant. Cat started her career as a reporter and has since built her company into a global powerhouse. Flockhart joins Melissa Benoist (Glee, Whiplash) as Kara/Supergirl, and Mehcad Brooks (True Blood) as Jimmy Olsen, who will now be a potential love interest for Supergirl.

In the comics, Cat Grant was introduced in the post-Crisis on Infinite Earths Superman reboot of the mid-eighties, spearheaded by creator John Byrne. She was the Daily Planet‘s gossip columnist, and was portrayed as being a little bit on the trashier side. Unlike Lois Lane, who ignored Clark Kent in favor of Superman, Cat was all about snagging the far more attainable Clark (who, of course, was never interested). This version of the character made its way into the Lois and Clark TV show for a while during its first season. Going by the official description given for the character in the new Supergirl show, I wouldn’t be surprised if we get a Devil Wears Prada vibe from Cat as the powerful boss, and poor Kara as the forlorn and put-upon assistant. Except unlike Anne Hathaway, Kara is way more likely to use her super-breath to occasionally freeze Cat’s morning coffee.


[HT: Variety]

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  1. Dan says:

    It’s not that nothing else matters, it could just mean that it takes place in the future of her character. as it’s been said that Superman is already well known in this world I think. There’s nothing wrong with that

  2. epobirs says:

    So the character is is going to be about twenty years older and physically completely unlike the comics character. They must really like the name, since little else remains.