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Bryan Singer Officially Directing X-MEN: APOCALYPSE

After X-Men: Days of Future Past hit huge at the box office, all eyes immediately turned to the next entry in Fox’s X-Men franchise, X-Men: Apocalypse. The new film is set to focus on one of the most notorious villains the mutant team has ever faced: the first of their kind, Apocalypse. Beyond that, we knew it would be set in the 1980s and follow in the new continuity set by Days of Future Past. However, the most pressing question at the time was who would direct the sequel as Bryan Singer, helmer of DOFP and the first two films in the franchise, had yet to officially reach an agreement. Well, thanks to Deadline, we need not wonder any longer.

According to the outlet, Fox has locked Singer into a new deal to direct the latest X-Men film, which at the moment is maintaining its previously announced May 27, 2016 release date.

Considering that Singer is three for three on successful releases with the franchise, it’s no surprise that Fox wanted him back so badly. Singer really stepped up his action game for the latest entry (remember that opening future sequence?!), and his storytelling skills were in full force the entire film. If there was anyone that I felt would make a sufficient director for X-Men: Apocalypse, it’s Singer. Which is why I’m really glad things were able to finally work out behind the scenes. Now we can rest assured that Apocalypse has absolutely everything going for it, and this may be the most ambitious title of the series yet.

Excited to see Singer return to the ­X-Men director’s chair? Let us know in the comments below.

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