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Breaking: STAR WARS: EPISODE VII Has a Subtitle: The Force Awakens

It’s time to take a break from the slew of superhero news that’s come our way over the past week, and shift our focus back to a galaxy far, far away. Yep, that’s right, folks! According to the official Star Wars website, Star Wars: Episode VII has finished principal photography and finally has a subtitle: The Force Awakens.


The Force Awakens, huh? Wasn’t the force awake already? Has it been taking a long nap?

Ahhh, who are we kidding? Ever since the sequels were announced, we’ve been riding a roller coaster of emotions, from incredulous to elated to cynical to everything in between. And from what we’ve seen so far — hints of practical effects, a stunning new Millennium Falcon, the troll battle between Star Wars: Episode VII director JJ Abrams and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice director Zack Snyder, Warwick Davis joining the cast, and of course, those pesky, intriguing leaked concept art imagesThe Force Awakens is shaping up to be something very, very exciting. And hey, it can’t be any worse than the prequels, right? Right??

Star Wars: The Force Awakens stars Domhnall Gleeson, Oscar Isaac, Andy Serkis, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, and Mark Hamill, and opens December 18, 2015.

Stay tuned for more on this story on today’s Nerdist News. In the meantime, check out our latest Nerdist Presents, All About That Base: No Rebels, a Star Wars parody starring Team Unicorn!


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  1. Orionsangel says:

    I wonder if anyone on the Internet is gonna hate on it. Because that never happens…

  2. Succhia says:

    Paul I’m your father. Abrams is an asshole.

  3. Chris says:

    This title is pretty in sync with the original trilogy.  “A New Hope”, “The Empire Strikes Back”, “Return of the Jedi”, they all have equity now because of our love and association with them but title wise they are no different than “The Force Awakens”.  The more I think about it, the more I love what the title signifies. We’ve heard that Max von Sydow could play a very ancient evil / sith lord.  The Force Awakens could be referring directly to that.  It could also have a double meaning in the force awakening in the new jedi’s we’re introduced to.  Or perhaps there is a major shift in the force on a generational / epic level.  It’s a great title once you get past the initial jerk and bemoaning of it.

  4. can’t wait for Episode VIII: The Force Takes a Brief Power Nap

  5. Three toes of fury says:

    ahhhh! dont you all get it?! “The Force Awakens” is an anagram for “Han Shoots First,  Happy Life Day Chewbacca,  and Luke is a Sister Kisser”.     Brilliant!

  6. Orionsangel says:

    My Nerdgasim has awaken!

  7. Kelvington says:

    The proper title should be… The Wallet Awakens, it’s Disney after all.

  8. Andoni says:

    Pretty generic to be honest. And “hypable”.

  9. Galen Marek says:

    Sounds familiar…

  10. Scott says:

    Why’s it in the middle?