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Breaking Bad Begins Its Final Countdown


As the old saying goes, all good things must come to an end, a statement which unfortunately applies to AMC’s much-loved Breaking Bad. Or as Jesse Pinkman might say, “Yeah, bitch! Idioms!” The Emmy-winning tale of a milquetoast science teacher’s transformation into menacing meth kingpin returns on August 11th, and the opening salvo of the promotional campaign has begun with a new poster and a video teaser.  After last season’s showstopping finale, you just know that shit is going to hit the fan, proverbial or otherwise, and the nearly year-long wait has shown us that patience might be a virtue, but being virtuous is killing us over here.

Need to catch up on season 5 before it returns on August 11th? We’ve got you covered; we’re giving away five (5) copies of Breaking Bad – Season 5 on Blu-ray! To ensure that your postman is the one who knocks with a prize in tow, simply click through to our contest page and enter your e-mail. Then, head on over to our Facebook, Twitter and Google+ pages for more chances to win and to expand your territory. Trust us – it’s what Heisenberg would want.


While you’re at it, why not rewatch the Breaking Bad episode of All-Star Celebrity Bowling too?

Are you excited for Breaking Bad to return? Let us know in the comments below!

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  1. Trevor Green says:

    Yes. I’m ready. I want to ride it to the end so I can move on. But what I’m really excited to see is Aaron Paul’s next role. I hope someone uses him for something great and he doesn’t become the next great actor to get sucked in by Grey’s Anatomy. (see Kevin McKidd).

    I think maybe both him and Bryan Cranston need to be cooking up some space meth in the new Star Wars. Where we find out that people with Midichlorians are actually the crack babies of the Star Wars universe and they are responsible for supplying all the strung out Mom’s with Jedi children that need special ed at the Jedi Academy.