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Boston! See Jonah Ray Tape Comedy Central’s “The Half Hour” 2/28


The Royale on Tremont Street.

Thursday, February 28th, 7:15 pm.

Live taping of Comedy Central’s The Half Hour.

Jonah Ray.


Sean O’Connor, too.

And… FREE.

Yes, Comedy Central is taping a whole buncha comics for the second season of The Half Hour, including some other folks we know, but the important thing to know here is that our own Jonah Ray, with Sean O’Connor, is taping on February 28th at 7:15 pm and you should go and get tickets by clicking here. It’s Show 5 on the form. And, yes, it’s free. If you live in the Boston area, sign up right away — we want Jonah fans, and here I’m not going to use any of the “Ray-” variants to describe you because I’m just not gonna, to be out in force. You have to be 21 or older and you have to live in the Boston area — they don’t want people signing up who may not be able to go. You’ll also have to be there at least 45 minutes in advance, so none of this “I might have to work late” stuff. So if you’re a Jonah fan, and who isn’t?, and you live in Boston, do not miss this.

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  1. C. C. says:

    Requested and I’ll be there! Will Jonah be available after the show to say hi and autograph things? Or for awkward waves? I REALLY HOPE SO!

  2. Amanda B. says:

    Waaaaahhhhhh!!! I’m in a performance (of Beck’s Song Reader) that same night or I would SO be there!! Sorry to miss you, Jonah!!