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BORDERLANDS: THE PRE-SEQUEL Lady Hammerlock DLC Revealed at PAX South

This just in: following the Handsome Collection announcement from a few days ago, Gearbox Software and 2k Games have revealed today that the next DLC pack coming to Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel will feature the brand new character Lady Aurelia the Baroness. If you were a fan of  Borderlands 2‘s Sir Hammerlock, you’ll be happy to hear that Aurelia is actually the older sister of the famed researcher.

Lady Hammerlock Pack

If you couldn’t tell by her title, Lady Aurelia Hammerlock is a pretty important lady and the heir of the Hammerlock fortune. Once she steps outside the doors of her massive mansion, you’ll find her hunting down the rare game her beloved brother is trying to research. If that isn’t a sinister sibling rivalry, I don’t know what is.

After growing bored or her surroundings, the violence craving huntress finds herself in Pandora’s moon Elpis in search of more things to massacre. She comes equipped with a state of the art gun, a mysterious Cryo Diadem and a lust for killing baddies.

To assist her on her quest for destruction, Aurelia is granted the action skill “Cold As Ice” which launches a Frost Diadem in the direction of foes. Once a target is reached, the diadem deals constant damage and moves on to another enemy once the previous is dead.

Lady Hammerlock Skill Tree

Like every playable character, she is also given the option of three skill trees, which in her case are: Huntress, Cold Money, and Contractual Aristocracy. The Cold Money branch focuses on ice damage and features skills like “Wintertide” which adds cryo damage to any gun after killing an enemy. If staying in the distance and sniping your way to victory is more your cup of tea, you’ll appreciate the Huntress tree. Contractual Aristocracy however is the most interesting of the bunch. If you spend skill points in this area, you’ll be able to turn one of your co-op team mates into a servant that earns you bonuses for their skills as well.

The Lady Hammerlock Pack launches January 27, 2015 (January 28, 2015 in Europe and Asia) on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Steam. For those who’ve already picked up the season pass for the title, the DLC is already included, but if you’ve yet to do so, the pack will be available for $9.99.

So what do you think of Aurelia? Are you having a hard time getting Foreigner’s “Cold as Ice” out of your head? Let us know in the comments below. 

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