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Book Review: “Nocturnal” by Scott Sigler

Scott Sigler is just the bees knees, guys. So is Nocturnal, his new book.  I truly enjoy his writing style, humor, personality… oh, am I gushing again? I’m sorry! But it’s all true and since I assume you trust my judgement implicitly (let me dream!), you’ll believe me when I say that Nocturnal is something you should read.

Actually, you may have already heard Nocturnal when it was released as a “podiobook,” and if you loved it then, you’ll really love having a hard copy to lend to people you want to enlighten. Plus, there’s just something about a print and paper book that makes it so much more rewarding. And, you can show it off on a shelf.

The plot of Nocturnal involves a detective named Bryan Clauser who has dreams that mirror serial mmurders happening in real life all over San Francisco, and as he and his partner Pookie investigate, they find out that the victims are all enemies of one young boy who is having the same dreams.  And someone else is killing the killers, while Bryan and Pookie’s superiors, all the way to City Hall, appear to be trying to keep the detectives from finding out the truth, which, apparently, involves a “shadow war” going on in the city’s underground ruins for over a century.

Here’s a video trailer:

I’ve reviewed a Sigler book or two in the past and, yes, I realize that I’ve recommended him before but there’s a reason for that. And there’s a reason that people consume his work voraciously and expound his virtues: they’re EXCELLENT.

I feel like a bunch of brief descriptions will best illustrate my feelings on Nocturnal, so I’m gonna throw some and see what sticks: Totally brilliant. Semi-nauseating. Super smart. Fantastically original. Pookie is the BEST. Excellent! Page-turner. Good ol’ fashion FUN! The kind of book I wish I’d thought of first and am kind of jealous that I didn’t.

Right. So that last one wasn’t brief. Sorry. I feel like “A rollicking good time!” and some other kind of kitschy quote should be in there too, but I’ll let it go now, because I love you guys.

Basically, any self respecting fan of horror has to read this to keep their street credentials. (That’s how you say it, right? Credentials?) Even if horror isn’t your genre, and assuming you can get over gore and an ending that’s not exactly buttoned-up-and-happy (but a great setup for a sequel), this is a book that’s really worth your time and effort to get into. Actually, all of Sigler’s work falls into that category — but I really, REALLY enjoyed this one. In all honesty, it’s probably going to be moved to my short list of favorite books.

The characters are PHENOMENAL. I love the way the author gives you something you can sink your teeth into when he creates them. (Pun intended, I guess?) One of my favorite parts about this book, and his other work, is the use of actual science and history to try and explain the supernatural elements introduced. The research put into making the plot believable is evident and ends up giving the whole thing an even creepier vibe.

Do yourself a favor and read Nocturnal, unless you’re excessively squeamish and hate “no-no” words. Then don’t.


As always, my favorite nerds, you can follow me on twitter, email me at [email protected] and check out my brand new podcast at! (It’s a podcast about books! Sorta.) We’re going to have some great guests — here’s hopin’! — and hilarious times. You can follow No Math Allowed! on Twitter also. Happy reading, nerds!

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  1. Terry Moore says:

    Having read and or heard all of The Dark Overlord’s books and audio I can pretty much safely say that dark humor and horror can and should go hand in hand. I really enjoyed the buddy cop humor in this and look forward to seeing what changes where made between the podiobook and the paper edition. I hope their is more background on the Vigilante.

  2. Shay says:

    I loved Nocturnal in Podiobook form, so I am really excited to start reading it! I’m not normally a fan of Horror but I would recommend EVERYTHING Scott Sigler has written!

  3. Been a while since I dove into horror. Wouldn’t mind trying it again, especially if there’s some humor in it. Humor and horror go together better than most people think, though I lean toward humor and humor personally.

  4. Jessica Barton says:

    Credzzzzzzz, man.

    And yay! We can’t wait to have you on!

  5. Scott Sigler says:

    Holy crap. I’ll count that as a “semi-positive” review, because I, too, have street credentials. Although I’m so crredentialized I spell “credentialz” with a Z. Looking forward to being a guest on NoMathAllowed!