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Here’s How STAR WARS Could Still Give Us Yoda and Boba Fett Movies

Ever since Disney purchased Lucasfilm, it was clear that the Star Wars franchise wouldn’t be ending any time soon. Even though Episode IX will end the current trilogy, the standalone Star Wars anthology films can continue indefinitely. Earlier this week, the long-rumored Obi-Wan Kenobi movie reportedly took a major step forward by landing Stephen Daldry as the director. But the most intriguing aspect of that story was the early word that both Boba Fett and Yoda may be getting films of their own.

Via The Hollywood Reporter, Lucasfilm is considering Boba Fett and Yoda standalone projects, while also contemplating other potential movies as well. Although Boba Fett made his first appearance in the infamous Star Wars Holiday Special, he captured the collective imagination of the fanbase during his small but memorable role in The Empire Strikes Back. Yoda made his debut in that movie, and he quickly earned a fan following of his own, before playing a much larger role in the prequel trilogy.

The inherent problem of any Yoda or Boba Fett movie is that they are supporting characters in the minds of the general public. The Star Wars Expanded Universe offered more stories about both characters, which have now been wiped away from continuity. Aside from what we saw in the original trilogy, the prequel films and in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series, their respective histories are almost entirely blank slates.

How can Yoda step up and become a star player who can carry his own film? Even before the EU became non-canonical, very little was known about Yoda’s past. What we do know is that Yoda lived for over 900 years, and he has mentioned that he taught Jedi for 800 years. What we would love to see is a movie that explores a much younger Yoda, perhaps when he is just a Jedi Knight. We’ve never seen a Star Wars movie reach back hundreds of years into the past, and that could give the Yoda film a chance to do something completely different from any of the previous entrees in the franchise. It’s also entirely possible that Yoda could encounter Maz Kanata, since she has lived for 1,000 years as of The Force Awakens.

Believe it or not, Boba Fett is a little trickier. Hardcore fans have always loved the character, but his demise in Return of the Jedi made him look like a buffoon. It didn’t help that Attack of the Clones also tampered with Boba Fett’s mystique by giving him a backstory that wasn’t exactly satisfying. Because of that, most of his inherent mystery is gone. How can Boba Fett get his cinematic redemption? It’s simple, really. The Boba Fett movie should go the Judge Dredd route, and never show us Fett’s face again. Almost all of the Star Wars ancillary fiction has depicted Boba Fett as one of the most ruthless bounty hunters in the galaxy. That’s what we want to see. Boba Fett doesn’t have to be a hero or softened up. In fact, we think he’d make a great anti-hero even when paired with a threat worthy of his talents. Rogue One has proven that Lucasfilm is willing to go darker than Lucas himself. If the potential Boba Fett movie allows its character to exercise his flexible morality or even amorality, then it would be a wise decision.

What do you want to see in any potential Yoda or Boba Fett movies? Or would you rather them focus on new characters? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!

Images: Lucasfilm

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