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Bob Iger Promises “Far Greater STAR WARS Presence” in Disney Theme Parks

Ever since Disney acquired Lucasfilm in 2012, fans have wondered what that will mean for Disney’s theme parks. Last year there were rumors Disney was working on a Star Wars update to Disneyland, and they also dropped some not-so-subtle hints that something Star Wars-related was coming to the parks at D23 Expo. But not long after that, it was reported (via MiceChat) that massive cost overruns with Walt Disney World’s new “My Magic Plus” initiative caused all upgrades to the parks to be put on hold.

But those plans weren’t going to be put on hold forever (they didn’t spend four billion for nothin’ ya know). Variety reports that, in a conference call with investors, Disney CEO Bob Iger said he plans for  “a far greater Star Wars presence” in Disney’s theme parks, and that our first look at new attractions based on the saga will be revealed next year. Next year, of course, is when Star Wars: Episode VII comes out, and it’s also Disneyland’s 60th Anniversary, so the timing couldn’t be better. The Walt Disney Company has two perfect opportunities to make any Star Wars reveals for the theme parks: D23 Expo (April 16-19) and Star Wars Celebration (August 2015), both taking place in Anaheim. Iger said when Disney now decides to build new attractions, “the likelihood of their success is greater when they’re branded. When we grow Star Wars presence, which we will do significantly, you will see better bets being made that will pay off for us than were made in the past.”

So what kind of Star Wars themed attractions can we expect? Again, it’s all rumor at this point, but those leaked plans (also via MiceChat) of a significant Star Wars overhaul to Disneyland’s ailing and dated Tomorrowland area included a walk-through Millennium Falcon, a Mos Eisley Cantina eatery, and a “speeder bike chase through Endor” attraction as the main new large scale attraction. Could those plans have changed? Possibly, but sooner or later, the denizens of that galaxy far, far away are going to be making permanent homes in Anaheim and Orlando.

What sort of Star Wars attractions would you like to see at the Disney Parks? Share your best ideas in the comments below.

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  1. D says:

    The D23 Expo dates are August 14–16, 2015 according to the official website

  2. Leo says:

    does this mean I can finally have my picture taken with Jar Jar?? Mesa so excited! Mesa joking of course! Mesa so not funny….

    • Billy says:

      that may actually happen. At Star Wars Weekends at Disney World, they partnered up with Aurasma for pictures with characters not really there. 

  3. Shayde says:

    A giant SW themed rollercoaster called The Kessel Run.