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Blizzard to Memorialize Robin Williams in WORLD OF WARCRAFT

It’s a bit tough for me to even grasp the words of Robin Williams’ passing, and I’m sure many are still reeling from the same disbelief. But there’s comfort in knowing that his legacy will continue not only through dear family members, friends, and fans, but alsoin the realm of World of Warcraft‘s Azeroth.

Williams was an avid gamer and even went so far as to name his children after video game characters (Zelda from The Legend of Zelda and Cody from Final Fight). He was an icon to gamers, a mere sliver of his legions of fans, and thanks to a petition started by a fan of both Williams and Blizzard’s World of Warcraft, the actor-comedian will live on in the MMO.

Blizzard began to ponder the idea independently before the initiative was further urged after a petition was started by Texas native Jacob Holgate who humbly pleaded with Blizzard to memorialize the late comedian and gamer. After garnering more than 10,000 signatures, Blizzard was quick to respond with the tweet seen below:

There are no details as of yet to how Mr. Williams will be honored in-game, but it’s comforting to know that he will be remembered and honored through a medium in which he held dear to his heart.

He will truly be missed, but never forgotten.

HT: Mashable

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  1. Margarita says:

    Q descanses en paz Robin Williams

  2. Andrew says:

    who cares, he commited suicide , he took the cowards way out…

    • Daniel Aguilar says:

      he had Parkinson’s  disease, do your homework before you say something like that you ass. 

    • Psychokiwi says:

      he also suffered from major depression, which you obviously haven’t had the misfortune to experience, or you wouldn’t say that.

  3. Matt says:

    that’s the way blizzard. immortalise him in your dying mmo

  4. If Disney would be gracious enough to forgive the licensing (or even license it to WoW) it would be EPIC if The Genie from Aladdin came to Azeroth! That would be amazing. Afterall, once the Genie was freed by Aladdin he could do whatever and go wherever he wanted.

    • LadyK says:

      He actually played as a Troll in the World of Warcraft game. So it’s most likely they’ll take one of his characters and place him as an NPC in one of the Taverns.
      I believe he also stood around and asked people for low grade items for likewise low grade items just for the lolz.

      In either case, the idea that he’ll be put into the game at all in memory of him is amazing enough.

  5. Steve says:

    I am certain that whatever action Blizzard takes it will be powerful and appropriate much like the memorial to Koiter in the Barrens.

  6. Thatguy says:

    Please let him be an npc that drops a belt named “robin’s necktie.”

  7. Nathan says:

    I think they should do something similar to the mantid area. We’re you get a buff and someone helps you out. But for each zone or part of the quest area, it’s a different one of the many characters. Peter Pan fights with a sword. Juminju brings in animal haha patch Adams heal bots you, miss doubt fire gives you a wardrobe change and it makes you invisible to others, You get the genie from Aladdin and you get to rub the lamp and choose 3 different special buffs or powers… Just a random thought haha. 

    • Steve says:

      Love that idea, sadly most of those characters are owned by other companies as IP’s and there would be so much red tape just to Free Up the Genie idea. Disney are hard asses when it comes to sharing IPs.

  8. Leland Ford says:

    Would have been great to see him in a “What’s your game?” commercial

  9. papatale says:

    I am an ADD adult and have always connected with Robin’s comedy. I am not surprised to find out he played WOW, many bouncy people do. It’s just another good way to remember an awesome talent. I just hope he knew who the good guys were. For the Horde!!

  10. This will be a travesty because they did not give the same honor to Michael Jackson who also LOVED video games and was much more of a WORLD ICON than this schmo!

    • David McGee says:

      Michael Jackson was in no way a bigger icon than Robin Williams.  Also, remember that Robin Williams was never accused of, nor did he ever pay anyone off due to heinous acts.

    • Pythia says:

      He was a schmo? You ill educated creep Willams did more things and was around longer without as much scandals then Meacheal I’m sure Meacheal would have been honored too if he really made a difference but when his Deamons stared him in the face he ran like a coward instead of facing them head held high with digenity and respect for himself. 

    • Alice says:

      Okay fuck you. Michael jackson was a fucking child rapist.Whereas robin Williams brought joy to the world with every movie he ever made. 

    • ImIsStranger says:

      That man is a national treasure sir. MJ was a pederast. 

    • mrkrabs007 says:

      michael jackso was a pedophile and a weird o. he does not even come c lose to robin williams

    • Keri says:

      When I played WOW back in 2007 I heard that Robin Williams was playing…this just confirms it. I’ve never heard that Michael Jackson played WOW….so why would they honor someone who did not play their game?

  11. Will says:

    Then again, there’s me.

  12. Jessica says:

    He was also into a number of other video games, pencil and paper RPGs, Warhammer, etc.  He was a wonderful nerd, and we loved having him among us. 🙂

  13. Derp says:

    We don’t know if he played WoW, just that he was a gamer as the article relates.

  14. Hhhh says:

    He did play wow he was an avid raider and pvper look up online I can’t  remember his server but he stated many timge he loved playing wow

  15. Amber says:

    On mannoroth, are you serious? That was my home for years…always did 3s with Madlib and Dusknoir. The really sad thing is, I was streaming on twitch when I found out about his death via viewers spamming it in my chat. I instantly thought it was a troll, similar to the troll that was famous on Mannoroth “Will Smith died, it’s on CNN. Died in a car crash with Dwayne Johnson”. I didn’t believe it even after they linked it to me on huffpost. Oh how I wish it were only another Mannoroth troll…

  16. J.JS. says:

    Dude do you ever read any of the quests? They have added hundreds of real life things to WoW. Ashes of Al’ar the phoenix mount was given to a kid who had cancer and went to blizz studios. he got the very first mount. When he passed theres a really cool quest about him.

  17. Shannon says:

    Actually I was watching Oprah the other day she replayed all of the interviews she did with him and he said on one of them that his son named his daughter Zelda but yes it was after the video game. I do think it is cool though and it is great he loved WoW. He will be missed. RIP Robin.