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Bizarro Will Appear on SUPERGIRL next Year

When the new Supergirl series from producer Greg Berlanti began on CBS back in October, the feeling was that this show might lean a little less heavily on the greater DC Comics mythology than its “cousin” series The Flash and Arrow do over on the CW. Well, now almost halfway through its first season, nothing could be further from the truth, as (SPOILERS) the first handful of episodes have featured many classic DC characters like Livewire, Maxwell Lord, Hellgrammite, and even long standing Justice League members, Red Tornado and J’onn J’onzz, the Martian Manhunter. Toyman and Silver Banshee have already been announced as well.

Now another classic DC character is going to be making his debut on Supergirl. Series producer Andrew Kreisberg, while a guest on Kevin Smith’s Fatman on Batman podcast, revealed that classic Superman villain Bizarro will be appearing on the series very soon. Bizarro is traditionally a clone of Superman, but one whose creation is botched due to humans not completely understanding Kryptonian DNA. So Bizarro ends up pasty white, and just a wee bit on the slower side. Think Frankenstein’s Monster, but with super powers.

There have been Bizarro versions of many other DC characters, so it’s entirely possible (and probable) that the Bizarro that Kreisberg is referring to is actually a clone of Supergirl, and not Superman. It’s something that’s been done in the comics and makes perfect sense for the show as well. It isn’t clear yet when Bizarro, in whatever form the character ends up taking, will appear on the show. But if I were a betting man, I’d say expect Melissa Benoist to be sport the chalk-white makeup and backwards “S” symbol before too long.

What do you think of Bizarro appearing on Supergirl? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below! Also will Greg Burlanti soon be helming a Booster Gold and Blue Beetle movie? Find out below.

HT: Fatman on Batman via Screen Rant

IMAGE: DC Comics

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