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BIOSHOCK and ASSASSIN’S CREED Reimagined as Isometric RPGs

One of the best things about BioShock, which also happens to be the thing I’m most afraid of, is that splicers appear out of anywhere. With developers The Brotherhood’s take on the series, however, the game isn’t so scary as we get a top down view of the field.

In a clever showing of marketing for their latest isometric 2D game Stasis, The Brotherhood have reimagined BioShock, BioShock Infinite, Assassin’s Creed IV, and other games and movies in the same fashion. Now we get a full view of what’s lurking under the sea. If only this view was present when I entered BioShock‘s notorious dentist office.

Take a look at a few of the awesome images below:

The Brotherhood’s reimagining of these first/third-person blockbusters are really well done and look as if they could be playable as other isometric titles like Age of Empires and SimCity. I’m curious if the reimagined games would have made as large of an impact, especially since I would most likely be about 85% scared playing The Brotherhood’s version of BioShock.

If you want to learn more about the crowd-funded horror title Stasis or pick up the game’s demo, you can check out The Brotherhood’s official website.

HT: VG 24/7

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  1. Andrew says:

    Now that Just Sucks

  2. Christuffer says:

    Bioshock yes, Assassin’s Creed no.  Sick of Assassin’s Creed, utterly sick of it.  

  3. Saeed says:

    These are stunning. Not too sure if they would make for a better game, but they sure are nice to look at.

  4. Wolf says:

    where do i get this?

  5. Vin.Nie says:

    Nah not my  cup of tea, don’t get the vibes for BioShock, maybe Ass creed 

  6. Luke says:

    They look amazing! Never to late to do do isometric versions!

  7. Trevor Talley says:

    i’d say maybe more like Baldur’s Gate II and that whole crop than Age. but maybe, might be cool.