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Billy Bob Thornton Gets Filthy Again in New BAD SANTA 2 Red Band Trailer

Billy Bob Thornton Gets Filthy Again in New BAD SANTA 2 Red Band Trailer

Ho ho…whoa! Christmas is still three months away, but it’s already looking like a merry one, thanks to the latest footage from the raunchy seasonal sequel Bad Santa 2. Also in today’s Movie Morsels, we have a new behind-the-scenes video look at Tim Burton’s new Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, five new Power Rangers posters, and much more!

Bad Santa 2

I’ll never forget the first time I saw Bad Santa. It was a breath of fresh (or rather foul) air after a way too long Thanksgiving family dinner. Though filmmaker Terry Zwigoff isn’t back to helm its sequel, Mean Girls director Mark Waters looks to have tapped into the same lowbrow comedy cesspool that made the original stand out amidst all the usual forced holiday cheer. And it’s got Kathy Bates as Thornton’s equally bad mama! Both stars, as well as the extremely good sport Christina Hendricks, are featured in the film’s latest red band trailer. It’s just two minutes long, but it’s bound to make you feel like you need a shower…

[Broad Green Pictures]

Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children

The word “visionary” is so overused these days that it’s lost most of its meaning. But somehow Tim Burton still manages to redefine the term, if only due to the look of his fantasy epics. (As for his films’ scripts, well, that’s another story.) The same holds true of everything we’ve seen so far from Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. Although I think Burton peaked at Ed Wood, I’ll no doubt be standing in line for his latest on opening night, ready to immerse myself again in the kind of atmosphere only Burton can conjure up. Here’s a new featurette on the film, focusing on its dark fantasy prince of a director…

[20th Century Fox]

Power Rangers

Go go, Power Rangers! Every member of the fabled fighting team, in its newly rebooted form, is getting his or her very own movie poster—and all of them will debut at next month’s New York Comic Con. (Where Lionsgate will present a panel with the cast at 2 PM on October 8.) So whether you’re rooting for Red, yahoo for Yellow, pumped for Pink, bonkers for Blue, or blissed out over Black, you’ll get a keepsake featuring your fave if you’re at the con. Here are all five posters for your viewing enjoyment…

Power Rangers 1

Power Rangers 2

Power Rangers 3

Power Rangers 4

Power Rangers 5

[Coming Soon]

Alita: Battle Angel

The Transporter Refueled

Deadpool‘s diabolical opponent Ajax will next take on one of the most famous cyborgs in comic book history. Actor Ed Skrein (pictured above in The Transporter Refueled) has joined the cast of director Robert Rodriguez and producer James Cameron’s take on the manga classic Alita: Battle Angel. Like the heroic title character (played by Maze Runner‘s Rosa Salazar), Skrein’s role is that of a cyborg, albeit an especially evil one, who wields a weapon known as the Damascus Blade. Presumably, he’ll use it for something far more sinister than slicing bananas…

[The Hollywood Reporter]

Phantasm: Ravager

Like a lot of horror devotees, I was saddened to learn of the death of Angus Scrimm earlier this year. For many of us, Scrimm’s Tall Man was as much a horror icon of the ’80s as Freddy, Jason or Michael Myers. But I’m overjoyed to know that Scrimm will haunt the big screen once more in the next and final installment of Don Coscarelli’s Phantasm series. Phantasm: Ravager, directed by David Hartman and co-written by Hartman and Coscarelli, also sees the return of Reggie Banister, armed to the teeth and ready to battle the Tall Man’s killer spheres once more with brothers Mike and Jody. Here’s the trailer for the September 25 release…

[Well Go USA Entertainment]

What do you think of today’s top stories? Let us know below!

Featured Image: Miramax

Images: Relativity Media, Lionsgate, Miramax

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