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Bill Nye Takes One Badass Photo, Becomes Hilarious Meme

For a recent National Geographic feature about the imminent doom that is climate change, beloved science communicator turned science evangelist Bill Nye is pictured going through the five stages of climate change grief. In one admittedly badass shot, Bill is pretty depressed, seen walking down a lonely road, smoking and unbowtied.


It’s a great shot meant to highlight the most important challenge of out time, and the whole series is worth a look. But given that the above image of Bill is such a departure from his public persona, when the internet got a hold of it, it quickly turned the dour depiction into a meme. When the photo found its way onto Reddit’s wonderful /r/PhotoshopBattles subreddit, it really took off.


Nye Hard. I’d watch it. I know at least two people who have this as their phone wallpaper right now.

There’s just something about that stance and his disheveled look that gives him the appearance of any leading man in an action film poster nowadays.


The end is Nye.


But Nye’s silhouette could just as easily fit in the post-apocalypse:


Wait, or maybe Bill’s walk is hiding something. Something terrible…


Or maybe his look has nothing to do with action heroes or zombies. Maybe Nye just wants to watch the world burn (something other than fossil fuels):



There are more Bill Nye memes in the gallery below, featuring Nye in both Reservoir Dogs and the James Bond franchise. Did we miss any? Send us links to your favorite science guy look in the comments below.

IMAGES: NG Studios/Chris Cassel; spacepilot_3000; Xtritec; jakobitz; metropolis_noir; gallowboob; ANastyPieceOfWorkChiefAskAnybody; name-classified; _korbendallas_; ritsu_soma; DrummerDiddles; whili; morned92; maddacheeb101 


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