Stephen Hillenburg is the creator of SpongeBob Squarepants, an animator of classics for all time. He is from Anaheim, California, and knows a lot about the ocean, both the one with pineapple houses, and the real one with fish and tide pools and stuff. Enjoy!
Episode 28:
Big Pop Fun
Stephen Hillenburg, Artist…
Stephen Hillenburg, Artist…
Im not trying to be offensive, but the interviewer seem to be talking over Stephen, its kind of annoying other than that I appreciate you interviewing him I learned a lot!
Amazing interview! Really enlightening. Wish both of you tons of luck!
I’m really sad that Spongebob is looked down on now.
i love listening to tom’s podcast
he always gets great info from his guests
sponge bob is awsome
i LOVE SpongeBob Squarepants!!!!