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Bette Midler Wants HOCUS POCUS 2 and Other Highlights from Her Fantastic, Fabulous Reddit AMA

Is there anyone more divine than Bette Midler herself? The all-around performer and impressive lady of stage and screen took to the Internet on Wednesday to partake in one of the web’s most revered pastimes: the Reddit AmA. And answer some questions she did! Most notably, the one all of us witches in the audience were happy to hear: she and the rest of the Hocus Pocus gang are in for a sequel. SISTAHS! The time to stoke the Disney fires is right this second.

“Inundate the Disney company, because I have canvassed the girls and they are willing to do it, but we have no say in it, so if you want a HOCUS POCUS 2, ask the Walt Disney company,” Midler explained at the end of her Ask Me Anything session, which was — of course — chockablock with questions about the return of the Sanderson Sisters after years of banishment at the hand (paw?) of Thackery Binx.

Though it was clear to most of us who grew up with the film — a fact supported by the hullabaloo that surrounded the false-alarm announcement that Tina Fey would be penning a sequel — “All of us are just stunned [by the Hocus Pocus obsession],” Midler explained. “Kathy, Sarah Jessica and I have talked about it. We are totally thrilled to death. Because when it came out, it laid a tiny little bit of an egg, so we didn’t expect much. And now look at it! OCTOBER is HOCUS POCUS MONTH!”

True to form, Midler was candid and animated in her responses, showcasing all the love she had for everyone’s favorite ginger witch. “I had no idea it had such a powerful effect! We had a LOT of fun making it, and the stories are legendary. I was very proud of Winnie, because that was the first – and really one of the only times – I disappeared in a movie. And the character stood on her own. And she just loves it! HAHAHAH! Yes. The villains are the most fun to play.”

She even admitted to a bit of thievery (probably legally approved, we’re sure) from the set of that movie. “I kept the teeth.”

But it wasn’t all about Hocus Pocus 2 — though there was a lot of that. From the zany to the serious, Midler rarely shied away from silly or serious questions alike. When asked what she would do if she woke up one morning to find herself transformed into…Bruce Willis? The response was simple: “FIRST THING I WOULD DO – I would jump on my new wife, who is so beautiful! I just met them at a benefit and they are the most stunning couple, he’s lost thousands of pounds of weight, he’s just gorgeous and his wife just had a baby and they are really nice people.”

There were, of course, other questions that were asked and answered, including requests for Midler to play favorites. “My favorite TV shows – we watch mostly cable. We watch the big series and we love ’em. Currently we’re in the middle of HOMELAND, which is so horrifying but so illuminating and so paranoia-making, it’s got everything. And of course, I love Seinfeld and I Love Lucy – I think it’s possibly the funniest show ever created, Honeymooners was a close second. I do watch GIRLS. I watch them all, I watch them all, but I don’t really have – my show is HOMELAND.”

She also had a mountain of fantastically Midler-esque quips, including gems like “the older you are, the more blonde you have to be to maintain your glamorousness” and “If your panties fall down around your ankles, step out of them and keep on singing” and “I have some chickens, we call them The Kardashians.”

So, in case you were wondering, yes: Bette Midler should still be your favorite person.

What was your favorite part of the AmA? Leave it in the comments.

Images: Warner, Buena Vista Pictures

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