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Watch Benedict Cumberbatch Stop Tom Holland from Spoiling INFINITY WAR Over and Over

Tom Holland is like that friend we all had in high school who you couldn’t tell a secret to unless you wanted the entire school to know it by lunch. In other words, our latest cinematic Spidey has kind of a big mouth. Poor Tom blurted out so many spoilers on the Spider-Man: Homecoming promotional tour, that when it came to filming Avengers: Infinity War, Marvel actually gave him a fake script to prevent leaks. Even still, there were a few big secrets he knew by virtue of having been on set, so further measures needed to be taken. On the promotional tour for this film, Tom Holland was given a handler of sorts: none other than Dr. Stephen Strange himself, Benedict Cumberbatch.

Now a Twitter user going by the name Captain* has compiled a video of Tom Holland and Benedict Cumberbatch doing the press junket tour for Avengers: Infinity War together, highlighting all the times that Cumberbatch has had to get all fourth grade teacher on Holland lest the spoilers start to flow freely from his mouth. You can watch the entire adorable montage of Cumberbatch going to great lengths to make sure Holland kept his trap shut in the tweet above.

Along with Rocket and Thor, one of Infinity War’s best character match-ups was Peter Parker, Tony Stark, and Doctor Strange. Although it may prove difficult to get this group of heroes together again on the big screen, I hope we do get this particular group of actors together again, because their chemistry is off the charts.

Which was your favorite unexpected character team-up in Infinity War? Be sure to let us know down below in the comments.

Images: Marvel Studios

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