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Benedict Cumberbatch Offers DOCTOR STRANGE Future Teases, Will Host SNL

Benedict Cumberbatch Offers DOCTOR STRANGE Future Teases, Will Host SNL

In just under two weeks, Marvel is flipping open the doors to the supernatural side of the MCU in Doctor Strange, with Benedict Cumberbatch stepping into the title role as Earth’s Sorcerer Supreme. And according to Cumberbatch, it’s far from the last time that Marvel’s master of the mystic arts will show up on the big screen.

“It’s only by the end of [Doctor Strange] that you go, ‘Oh my god, this is the beginning. This is an origin story of a superhero who is now going to be a part of all of [the MCU],’ and that is super exciting.  That’s going to be part of all of [the MCU]…We’re gonna get a lot more of this,” said Cumberbatch while speaking to “Without spoilers, there’s a lot going on in this story which leads you to understand why he’ll play a key role in the next phase [of Marvel films].

Strange is widely expected to be featured in Avengers: Infinity War and probably the untitled fourth Avengers movie as well. The good doctor’s comic book incarnation has also been a member of the New Avengers, so there is a precedent if he ends up joining the team. He could also lead the way for Marvel’s other supernatural heroes to get solo films in Phase 4; Marvel’s Kevin Feige has mentioned that Blade may eventually be used in the MCU, and perhaps the ideal way to introduce him would be in a Doctor Strange sequel.

Speaking of which, it seems pretty likely that Doctor Strange 2 will find a place on Marvel’s release schedule. With Inhumans no longer on the board for a 2019 release, we wouldn’t be surprised at all to see the sequel to Doctor Strange hit in November 2019. It may even be the film that kicks off Marvel Phase 4, which would only amplify Strange’s place among Marvel’s heavy hitters.

As for Cumberbatch, he’ll be reappearing a lot sooner as the guest host of the November 5th episode of Saturday Night Live. We can probably expect to see Cumberbatch reprise his roles as Doctor Strange and Sherlock Holmes on that show as well.

Are you excited to see more of Doctor Strange in the next few years? Cast your spells in the comment section below!

Image: Marvel Studios

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