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Behold the Most Amazing D&D Map Ever Created!

Behold the Most Amazing D&D Map Ever Created!

In my youth, we never used very many maps when playing Dungeons & Dragons. The maps provided in the game sets felt flat (because they were) and boring, and simple graph paper could do in a pinch if you need to really block out some area of effect or accurate combat distances. For the most part, we just let our imaginations do the heavy lifting, because what other option was there?

Well, if you are Ryan Devoto, you build the biggest, most kick ass Dungeons & Dragons diorama ever. Devoto commissioned skilled craftsmen and put in some hard hours to produce one of the ultimate gaming rooms. This board has it all: ships, towns, forests, farms, and a crazy maze/dungeon. It’s massive and, as you can tell from the photos, insanely detailed. No expense was spared, clearly.

Just look at these gorgeous photos of all this thing has to offer. You could have epic ocean clashes, explore dense forests, murder some farmers, take over a castle, whatever you want (we do not endorse murdering farmers). This thing offers an insane amount of gameplay; you could spend a lifetime adventuring through it. That dungeon alone looks like it’d take some huge dice-rolling sessions to get through, and with carefully placed creatures and treasures, it could be a new adventure every time. I can’t help but wonder what my old character, Rath, and his crew of outlaws known as The Phoenix Company, would do to this place. We’d have a hell of a time leaving a trail of destruction in our wake, that’s for sure. Once we had enough gold, maybe we’d retire on that beach. Looks cozy.


The shear size of this thing is mind blowing. This is dedication on a level that is staggering, and I’m more than a little bit jealous. If only I could convince my wife we don’t really need a formal dining room. More than anything, this piece has converted me to the glory of maps. Yes, not all Dungeons & Dragons games are this big or detailed. That’s obvious. Devoto has shown that the sky is the limit, and that you can make some that’s more than just a game board: it’s a freaking work of art. I’m ready to roll up some characters and build some dungeons, guys. Let’s do this.

Click through the gallery below and check out some of the awesomeness this diorama has to offer, then let us know your favorite feature in comments.

Images: Ryan Devoto




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