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Become GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY’s Rocket Raccoon Thanks to Her Universe

When it comes to comic book movies that make us want to the be the characters we see on screen, there are few options with more of a plethora of choice than Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. From Star-Lord to Gamora to Drax and Groot, if they were in Guardians, there’s a good chance people are trying to find ways to become them. However, there’s one character that’s been a bit of challenge for some in the months since the film’s release: Rocket Raccoon.

Unlike his other team members, Rocket is, well, a Raccoon, and that makes the foul mouthed creature a hard being to crack from a costume standpoint… luckily, the fine folks at Her Universe are here to help with a new top that will satisfy any dreams you have of being a talking Raccoon for a day:


Really, it’s the ears and tail that sell this thing because, while a full blown Rocket costume would be nice, for the less fabric savvy of fandom, this top is perfect for those that want to hit a con floor in style.

Of course, the real question is if a Groot version will include tree limb arms and the Drax one will just be a full blown muscle suit… we can’t say we wouldn’t be down for that. But, for now, this top will do just fine as we head into a new year full of nerdy events to attend.

What do you think of Her Universe’s new Rocket Raccoon top? Let us know in the comments below.

[HT The Mary Sue]

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  1. Eric Sherred says:

    Please someone, anyone, do better than this.

  2. Katie says:

    Is this available now?