Eight hundred thirty years. Four hundred thirty-six million, one hundred thirty-six thousand, six hundred seventy-five minutes. Twenty-six billion seconds. That’s how much collective time you all have spent nerding out with me since Nerdist and I started Because Science all the way back in 2014. We’ve covered the physics of lightsabers (so. many. lightsaber. videos.), how acidic xenomorph blood is, and why dying in lava would be much worse than the movies show. We’ve applied science to just about every geeky franchise and trope in pop culture. But across all that time, and over 100 million views, you’ve consistently asked for one thing: a better way to get this show, and a way to get more of it. Well guess what? I’ve got good news.
Starting this Thursday, February 1, Because Science is officially forming its own ecosystem. And in preparation for that, BS has—right now!—its own channel on Facebook and Youtube, and its own presence on Instagram and Twitter. You can subscribe for a direct line to sciencey goodness before the first “new” episode drops. And you should, since BS is transitioning into posting only on the new channels. Go, now!
On top of that, we’re going from one video a week to three! As of February 1, all new content—like livestreams and vlogs devoted to BS fans—will begin rolling out each week. I’ll be taking your questions, addressing your comments, corrections, and concerns after each episode, and rounding out the BS universe you’ve helped build. Just look at how far we’ve come in the last four years—here’s the very first video I made with Nerdist:
Look at that tiny boy with his tiny hair. And now look at my latest video and all the nonsense I got going on.
It’s been a real journey for me, and I want to bring you along for the next leg of it. If you want to be a part of Because Science going forward, both as a viewer and as an essential factor in helping it grow, then like and subscribe at the links above. The more you do so, the more we can build out this little world we’ve created. This is going to be fun. Thanks for watching!