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Beautiful STAR WARS Fan Film Delivers with Forceful Emotion

Star Wars inspires fans to create. The fandom makes costumes, art, music, and stories in overwhelming numbers. Joe Sill is adding to the library of awesome fan-made things with his short film Kara. He wrote and directed the movie, and in just seven minutes, he establishes the world and connects it to the bigger Star Wars galaxy while delivering incredible emotion with the three leads. On top of that, the cinematography and overall look of the movie is absolutely stunning. Don’t believe me? Take a few to watch it:

Hey, stormtroopers have terrible aim even in fan films! By the way, those stormtroopers belong to the Imperial Sands Garrison of the 501st Legion.

Seriously though. Kara is magnetic. She’s obviously strong with the Force but doesn’t know what to do with those powers. The way her father reacts to her lifting the stormtroopers makes me think he’s been struggling with teaching her the right and wrong ways to tap into her gifts. Though the dialogue is minimal, the actors–Andra Nechita, Peter Arpesella, and Daniela Flynn–do an impressive job of communicating the intensity of the situation with their facial expressions and posture. You can read so much into Kara and her father’s relationship.

I want to see more of Kara’s story immediately if not sooner. I hope fanfic writers jump on creating stories about Kara and Rey from The Force Awakens having adventures together.

What do you think of the short? Do you want to see more stories about Kara? Let me know in the comments.

HT: The Mary Sue
IMAGES: Joe Sill

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