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BATMAN’S Cape Is Action-Ready on Hot Toys’ SUICIDE SQUAD Figure

BATMAN’S Cape Is Action-Ready on Hot Toys’ SUICIDE SQUAD Figure

Star Wars knew how to play the game. If a character was in one of the movies, no matter how short their screen time, they received a figure. Kids were able to recreate the universe they saw in the theater almost shot for shot. Hot Toys is following suit, only on a bigger scale. As part of their Suicide Squad line, they have released pictures of their upcoming Batman figure on their Facebook page.


Batman, while only in the movie for a few moments, was the one who captured Harley Quinn and Deadshot in the first place, cementing their spots on the team.


If you missed out on getting a Ben Affleck figure from the Batman V. Superman series, then this figure will fill that void. While it is the same character, there are some differences between the two figures that make this limited edition figure a justifiable purchase for any Batfan. The suit has darker tones that the previous, and looks to be a little less bulky. And of course, the cape. The fully poseable cape will let you place Batman in some of those CLASSIC “swooping down to dish out his swift brand of justice” poses. My only issue is that it is more of a traditional cape than the normal bat-winged cape. Since Hot Toys releases prototype pictures before the final product, I hope they will make the change.

The figure comes with three sets of eye and face molds, his oxygen mask, four batarangs, his totally unnecessary bat-brand, grappling gun, kryptonite rifle, and a collectible stand.

You can check out more pictures of the Dark Knight in the gallery below. If the description is any indication, this figure will soon be hard to find just like its predecessors, so make sure you head over to Sideshow Collectibles and pre-order it when it becomes available.

So what do you think? Will the cape alone make you want to purchase the latest Batfleck figure? Are you excited for Hot Toys’ eventual Justice League line? Let me know on Twitter or in the comments below.

Images: Hot Toys

There’s more than one way to play with Batman.


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