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Defend Gotham’s Country Clubs with a Batman Tumbler Golf Cart

One would think a golf course is a place to relax. You can hang out with friends, shoot some links, and grab a beer after you’re done. This is not the case. Evil can strike anywhere, whether you are walking in a dark alley at night or trying to find your ball in the rough. Hammacher Schlemmer’s here to help you can scare off ruffians and try to better your golf score at the same time with their Batman-inspired golf cart.

Reported by Geek Alerts, Hammacher Schlemmer’s design is based on the Tumbler from the Dark Knight Trilogy. While we don’t recommend trying to crash through parking garages or riding over rooftops, the six wheels on the “TumblerCart” are golf course friendly. Thanks to its six horsepower electric go-cart motor (which is pretty darn good for a golf cart), anyone who tries to drop their ball illegally instead of hitting it where it lies won’t get away easily, as the cart can reach a top speed of 38 mph.

The body of the TumblerCart has a replica of the huge afterburner but remember: it’s an electric cart. You won’t see any flames shooting out on the course.

The wings of the TumblerCart fold around the passengers, giving them full protection from either golf balls or thrown clubs from one of those rage quit golfers. It doesn’t look like the TumblerCart will convert into a mini Bat-Pod, but if any of you fabricators are able to create it, please let us know!

If you are ready to raise your golf game a few Bat-Levels, then you can order the Gotham golf cart for a measly $28,500 from Hammacher Schlemmer’s website.

Are you golfing fans ready to see how the Dark Knight sees the course? Let me know on Twitter at @donnielederer or sound off in the comments below.

Images: Hammacher Schlemmer

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