Batman: The Animated Series debuted over 25 years ago, and to this day many fans of the Dark Knight still consider it to be the all-time greatest take on the character. High praise for one of the most iconic superheroes ever, and yet that might actually be selling the show short. It wasn’t just an amazing series that launched multiple spin-offs, it was one whose impact is still being felt across comic book pages, video games, television shows, and films to this day. On this week’s Animation Investigation we explain why it might be the most influential cartoon ever made.
Join host Hector Navarro as he looks back at the beloved, award-winning series and what separated it from other comic book cartoons before it. From kicking off the massive, connected DC Animated Universe, to treating its comic book characters seriously, to giving its villains backstories that made them empathetic and real, the animated tales of the Caped Crusader appealed to both kids and adults alike, and its legacy permeates superhero stories from every franchise.
Tell the biggest Marvel loyalist you know “the MCU wouldn’t exist without Batman: The Animated Series” and then watch them stammer through a totally ineffective counter. However, be prepared for when they say, “Too bad they won’t bring it back.”
That’s not wrong. Hopefully the next superhero story the show influences will be its own revival.
What do you think? Is Batman: The Animated Series the most important cartoon ever made? Tell us why in the comments below.