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BALLOT BANTER: Oliver Does Drones, Colbert Investigates Han’s Right to Shoot First and More!

There were lots of happenings in political news this week, with the UN General Assembly gathering in New York City prompting a massive climate change march in addition to continued protests in Furguson, MO and pundits gearing up for the mid-term elections in November later this year. Let’s see what Jon Stewart and The Daily Show news team, Stephen T. Colbert, Bill Maher and John Oliver have to say about all this and more in this week’s Ballot Banter.

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart

Burn Noticed

The conversation about climate change took to the streets of New York this week with a protest that gathered hundreds of thousands of people all there to tell their government to start taking the threat seriously. Regardless of politics, Stewart expresses how a lot of people feel when it comes to this so-called “debate.”


Interview: Tia Torres (Pit Bulls & Parolees)

An interview that will make you sad but hopefully raise awareness, Tia Torres of Pit Bulls & Parolees chats with fellow pit bull enthusiast Stewart about the influx of abandoned animals and what she’s doing to help on the new season of her show.


The Redskins Name: Catching Racism

Has anyone else noticed that Jon Stewart and his Daily Show news team haven’t been afraid to take the gloves off lately? I noticed it in particular with the introduction to this piece, which was filed by Jason Jones. The Daily Show dives into the Washington Redskins controversy in a way that not a lot of people are willing to. Something tells me that the behind-the-scenes stories on this segment will show up on an episode of The Daily Show Podcast without Jon Stewart in the near future.


The Colbert Report

Better Know a District: California’s 2nd, Jared Huffman

What is the world’s oldest tree? Did Han have the right to shoot first? Stephen asks the hard questions of California Congressman Jared Huffman.


Obama’s Coffee Cup Salute

Per her request, Stephen sends Fox News’ Elisabeth Hasselbeck his “hashtag emails,” letting her and the rest of the folks at Fox and Friends know that not only did he think that the President’s “late salute” was “un-Americano” but that it made him “un-Frapp-y to see” AND that he was grateful to the news network for the opportunity to “venti” his anger over the situation.


Real Time with Bill Maher

Overtime Overseas with Bill Maher, Naomi Klein, Charles M. Blow, Gen. Anthony Zinni, John Feehery and Alexandra Pelosi

A lot of familiar guests on Real Time this week, with two of Bill’s guests appearing on The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. Documentarian Alexandra Pelosi reveals there is an election in November as she goes on location in Bill’s chosen Flip A District location. This week on Overtime, Bill and co. answer questions from his international audience.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

Drones, y’all

On Last Week Tonight, John Oliver and his team addressed the issue of drones. He explains the issue — and why it’s so frightening — so eloquently you should just watch the whole thing right here:

“Thanks in particular to Hugh Jackman… May the force be with you.”

Nerds are all around us, everywhere you look but not always where you would expect. Case in point, Narendra Modi, the Prime Minster of India, speaking at Madison Square Garden last week and he had a few classic phrases for his sold out audience.

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