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BACK TO THE FUTURE’s Plot Explained in Seconds with a Handy Chart

In the technological age we live in nowadays, the goal seems to be efficiency. Get it done, get it done right, and get it done right as quickly as possible. Dr. Nathan Lau seems to have taken that mantra very seriously and has transferred it to the world of movies. He created a simple to read chart that explains the entire story of Back to the Future in the same time it would take you to read the Sunday edition of the Spider-Man comic strip (yes, it STILL exists).

Reported over on Laughing Squid, Dr. Lau has made sure that inquiring minds not only understand the plot of the movie but also takes the time to make sure the science is understood as well. The best part of the chart is when Dr. Lau channels his inner Demetri Martin when he charted how the need for roads is decreased as time is increased (Martin is a comedian and using charts is one of his trademarks). Yes, now that it’s 2018, we know it’s not exactly the case, but back then the science made perfect sense.

It’s awesome to see how movies, however old, can still resonate with people, and that something original can be created from it even 33 years later.

So what do you think? Does this chart clearly tell the story of Marty and Doc’s adventures? Are there any movies you haven’t seen yet that a chart like this can help with? Let me know on Twitter @donnielederer or sound off in the comments below.

Images: Dr. Nathan Yau/Universal Pictures

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