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Aziz Ansari and Eric Wareheim’s Very ’80s Pilot for the Unaired BIG BUD LIL BUD

Most would agree that Aziz Ansari‘s Master of None was an absolute delight in the fall of 2015. Setting aside the fact that we still can’t figure out how anyone could have afforded New York City apartments like that with the professions they had, the show was heartfelt, poignant at times and, without a doubt, absolutely hilarious.

A surprising part of the series was that it featured Eric Wareheim in a role that was, let’s say, subdued in comparison to his normal TV appearances and handled very nicely beside the rest of the cast. One can imagine how much the wonderfully strange and weirdly lovable nature of Wareheim’s other work bled through in between takes, perhaps gelling with Ansari’s comedic sensibilities from his Human Giant days. Turns out, we need not imagine any longer, since Wareheim just released the previously “un-aired pilot” of a show he and Ansari made, as the aesthetic might suggest, way back in 1987.

The teaser for Big Bud Lil Bud was uploaded to Wareheim’s YouTube channel and is four solid minutes of campy sitcom goodness. The description boasts that it was slated to air on CBS and we can’t help but think that any network would have jumped at the chance for a program like this 30 years ago.  The pilot features some classic ’80s sitcom scenarios, including an unorthodox banana-eating punishment, a reincarnated relative living as the family pet, and, of course, robots. Every show in the ’80s and ’90s had some manner of robot tie-in and we loved every single one of them.

Hopefully this turns into some sort of strange web series, because we surely need to see more Big Bud Lil Bud. The would-be show still has so many scenarios to cover. We need a ghost episode, a “very special episode,” and they absolutely have to go to Hawaii at some point.

Let us know what you think of the “pilot” in the comments below!

IMAGE: Eric Wareheim

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