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AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR’s Saddest Moment Is One Heartbreaking “I Am Groot”

Warning: This post contains major spoilers for Avengers: Infinity War. If you don’t want to know details yet, click away now and come back here when you do!

Hey, remember that time when Peter Parker told Tony Stark he didn’t feel so good and that he didn’t want to go, right before saying he was sorry as he disintegrated in Iron Man’s arms? Yeah, you definitely remember because it ripped your heart from your chest and puréed it. It was easily the saddest of the many disappearances that took place at the end of Avengers: Infinity War, mainly because we got to hear the last anguished cries from Spider-Man before he turned to dust. Well good news, everyone who loves feeling awful! Because it turns out he wasn’t the only character whose final words were soul-crushing. In fact, the film’s final “I am Groot” was just as sad.

Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn was asked by a fan on Twitter for the translation of Groot’s final line, which he said to Rocket as he started to fade away to nothingness.

Why would James Gunn do that to us? That moment was already sad enough! THAT MOMENT WAS ALREADY SAD ENOUGH!

Oh, you’re sorry? No, we’re sorry. Sorry for poor Groot and Rocket, for suffering far more in that moment than we had even realized. And sorry that every time we see the movie we’re going to know how sad it really is.

As for it really being in the script, Gunn has said in the past that Vin Diesel, who voices our favorite talking tree, gets a special script just for him, so he knows exactly what Groot is saying so he can give it the proper emotional delivery.

Remember how Thor said he took Groot language as an elective on Asgard? Well, even though Gunn has said that was a joke, we don’t think there’s anything funny about this translation. Heck, that final “I am Groot” was sad enough without knowing what it meant.

Now that you know what Groot said to Rocket in his final moment, where does it rank among the film’s saddest scenes? Tell us in the comments… after you finish crying.

Featured Image: Marvel

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