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Did the AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Trailer Reveal Iron Man’s Fate?

With over 230 million views, the Avengers: Infinity War teaser is now YouTube’s most viewed trailer inside of 24 hours. We may have collectively watched it a few hundred times as we prepared our epic breakdown of the trailer. But along the way, we noticed that the trailer could have some pretty big implications about the fate of Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man. Today’s Nerdist News is borrowing the Eye of Agamotto to determine what this means for Tony Stark’s future in the MCU.

Warning: there are potential spoilers ahead for Infinity War! It’s only a theory, until it isn’t. Either way, this is your last chance to turn back!

Join host and Stark Industries’ top shareholder, Jessica Chobot, as she takes us through the pivotal scenes that may lead to Tony Stark’s demise. Nearly ten years ago, Downey’s starring role in Iron Man set the stage for the MCU as we know it. It’s no secret that Downey’s extended contract is up after the fourth Avengers movie, and we’ve long suspected that his exit from Marvel would come with some finality for Stark. After all, what better way to kick off the new era than by letting the MCU’s biggest hero get the epic death that he deserves?

Remember the shot early in the trailer of Tony Stark nursing an injured hand? That appears to be the same location where we see Thanos kick the crap out of Iron Man later in the trailer. If so, then Stark either lost his armor due to damage or he intentionally took it off. In the footage, we also see Thanos put Spider-Man through a pretty intense beating as well. And that’s why we think that Stark removed his armor. We can easily see a scenario in which Stark puts the armor on an injured Spider-Man before sending him away to save Peter’s life at the cost of his own. The first Avengers movie also had Stark make the sacrifice play, and maybe it will stick this time.

Again, this is our working theory. It may or may not happen. But it would make a lot of sense. Captain America: Civil War and Spider-Man: Homecoming set up Stark as Peter Parker’s very reluctant mentor. Stark tried to keep his distance from Peter, in part because he wanted Spider-Man to be a better hero than he is. Peter is someone that Tony would probably be willing to die for, because he may genuinely care for him by now. Plus, if Spider-Man goes on to become the lead of the next phase of films, then Stark’s death would pass the torch to Spidey as the MCU’s new flagship hero.

Do you think that Tony Stark will die saving Spider-Man? Share your Infinity War theories below!

Images: Marvel Studios

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