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AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Plot Rumors Go Into Weird Comics Territory!

Avengers: Infinity War hasn’t even started filming yet, but the leaks have already begun. Anyone who is familiar with the film’s lead villain, Thanos, probably won’t be too surprised to hear what he wants and how he’s going to get it. But the third Avengers movie could be going into some deeply weird territory if the latest rumors are true. Today’s Nerdist News is communing with the cosmos for some answers!

The first thing you have to understand is that Thanos is a dude who loves Death, and we don’t mean “death” as an abstract concept. We mean he really loves Death itself, which is manifested in the Marvel universe as a largely silent female skeleton in a cloak. According to Latino Review, Avengers: Infinity War is largely based on the Infinity Gauntlet miniseries by Jim Starlin, George Perez, and Ron Lim. That’s the story where Thanos tried to impress Death by using the power of the Infinity Gems to instantly wipe out half of the universe’s population, including several superheroes. Is this the way that some of our favorite characters are gonna go out on the big screen?

Nerdist News host, and keeper of the remaining Infinity Stones, Jessica Chobot has a few theories about how Thanos’ love of Death could be way less creepy in the MCU. After all, if Cate Blanchett is already playing Hela, the Asgardian goddess of Death, in Thor: Ragnarok, then perhaps she’ll be the one dealing with Thanos’ one-sided obsession. As for the potentially fallen Avengers, there’s definitely a precedent for their survival/return in the currently untitled fourth Avengers movie that’s dropping a year after Infinity War.

What do you think about the latest Avengers: Infinity War rumors? Let’s discuss in the comment section below!

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